General Track Sessions

Papers on topics of general relevance to the conference defined in the Conference Scope should be submitted to the conference (via the EasyChair online submission and review system) for inclusion in the General Sessions or Tracks.

When submitting a paper, the submitting author must select the Track from a list to be supplied which best relates to the contents of the paper, and submit the paper to that track. Each Track has a Track Chair, who has responsibility for papers in a specific technical area. The Track Chairs are responsible for overseeing the review process for papers within their specialism.

Generic Topics

Track Title
Track Chair
Generic Topics
G01 Sustainable Design
Design methodologies to achieve easy to maintain and repair products, high resource efficiency and product longevity are essential to move us towards a more circular economy with lower environmental impact.
Prof Melanie Despeisse
Chalmers University, Sweden

G02 Sustainable manufacturing and systems
Manufacturing systems need to be ready for the sustainability challenge. Approaches can range in scope from new or enhanced resource efficient processes, to green logistics and supply chains. Relevant policies and societal impacts should be considered too.
Dr Emanuele Pagone
Cranfield University, UK

G03 Materials challenges for sustainability
Materials are the basis from which all manufacturing stems. In order to achieve net zero the world has to dematerialise by about 50%. This brings huge challenges for resource efficiency, energy and business models.

G04 Digitalisation for sustainability
Digital twins, Industry 4.0 and block chain are three topics that have been proposed as tools for the changes needed to solve the climate, economic and societal challenges.
Prof Maria Holgado
University of Sussex, UK

** PLEASE NOTE: We may re-allocate papers submitted to a General track to a more appropriate track or Special Session if we feel it necessary.