
Joint Workshop between Sustainable Design and Manufacturing and Sustainability in Energy and Buildings

Cement and steel are the two most common co-called foundation materials used in the building sector. Between them they produce 15-16% of the global CO2. It is absolutely clear that these industries have to be decarbonized but also schemes for better resource efficiency, repurposing and recycling to drive down the volume of the use of primary materials is key to helping solve climate challenges. All of the other foundation materials, namely ceramics (bricks), glass, chemicals (polymers) and paper are used in the sector, so efficient use and reuse of these materials is paramount in getting the sectors to net zero.

This workshop will involve keynotes from both the materials aspects and the design side to lay out the challenges and potential solutions followed by invited presentations and panel sessions to stimulate discussion from all the participants.

Boosting the exploitation of Circular Economy standards in research projects

This workshop aims to explore and strengthen the links between research, innovation and standardization on the topic of Circular Economy, ensuring that standardisation is an integral part of the national and international research and innovation landscape. The workshop includes two parts: (1) presentation of the challenges and remedies related to standardisation efforts for Circular Economy (CE), as identified in the European project STAND4EU; (2) discussion about the specific needs and requirements from the workshop participants to engage with the ISO 59000 family of standards for the circular economy transition in their own projects. After the workshop, participants and their project consortium will have the opportunity to get a follow-up coaching session tailored to the specific needs and requirements discussed during the workshop.

Disclaimer: The STAND4EU project is funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101070229 - STAND4EU (